Seeing Red
Nina and Rebekah are just two ginger best friends who live on opposite ends of the United States coming together with humor, psychology, real case evidence and our own theories on lesser known serial killers, cults, killer cults, and everything in between. We'll take you through cases from modern day to throughout history and not just here in the states but around the world! So let's cuddle up and talk about murder!
Seeing Red
Chicago Rippers E04
Seeing Red
Season 1
Episode 4
Audio Player
00:00 | 46:23
While America was still coming to grips with Satanic Panic, in the early 80's Chicago was being plagued by a monster or monsters... Multiple women were being found mutilated with one sinister calling card connecting them. This week we dive into a case of Satanism, cannibalism and the occult!